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Rodney's English Page
11 octobre 2010

To Get

To get

I need to get somebody to help me


To get = to obtain


I must get some money out somewhere, where is the nearest cash distributor?


I get enough money to pay my bills


Where do you get your shopping? I usually get my shopping at Tesco


Where did you get your glasses? I got my glasses in Optic 2000.


- To get about / around : voyager

Words gets round : rumeurs / potins

- to get across : passer par-dessus bridge

- to get along : copiner I get along with my bank manager

- to get round : tourner autour

- to get at : arriver à

What are you getting at? Que veux-tu dire?

Do you know what he was getting at when he said there was trouble on the horizon?

- to get away: partir

I got away from my job at

six thirty


- to get away with: partir avec quelque chose (objet ou moral)

- to get back : revenir

Let’s get back to original point : revenons sur ce point

- to get behind : traîner

- to get on : avancer

My parents are getting on in their years : mes parents avancent dans leurs années

- to get on with : s’entendre bien avec…

I get on with lot of people

- to get through: traverser / se connecter avec quelqu’un / utilise

- to get through to people: communiquer avec les gens

- to get to: arriver quelque part

We are getting to the end: nous atteignons la fin du cours

- to get up: se lever

- to get up to: faire quelque chose

What are you getting up to? Qu’est ce que tu vas mijoter?

- to get : obtenir (money…)

- to get : devenir + adj (lucky / fat / successfull)

- to get done : to get + ppassé

Nothing got done: rien n’est fait

- to get written: écrire (choses ou destin)

Rodney's English Page