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Rodney's English Page

14 octobre 2010

present continuous

I’m sending you details of the event in Biernes.

It is taking place from the 10th to the 14th of January and sixty people are planning to come.

- I’m sending you the document this afternoon.

- If waiting one day is a problem then I can bring them to you by car.

- I can’t speak to you now, I’m eating.

- I’m reading through the documents to check if there is a problem.

- I’m visiting the trade fair tomorrow and I’m staying at the Novotel.

- Are you receiving a lot of Ad emails at the moment?

- I’m driving to the airport in half an hour.

- I’m checking the details now!

- I’m writing a press release which speaks about jeans.

- I work in communication, my job involves writing press releases. Sensitive : sensible

14 octobre 2010


Self confident : sûr de soi

Excited : agité

Pride : fierté

Cheerful : gai

Marvelous / wonderful / great / nice : merveilleux

Clever : intelligent

Stupid : idiot

Pretty : jolie

Fertile : fructueux

Price breack down : prix détaillé

IT engineer : Informaticien

An accountant : un comptable

A trainee : un stagiaire

To check : vérifier

Expenses : dépenses

To mean : avoir l’intention de…

I noticed : j’ai remarqué que…

A delay : un délais

A dead line

14 octobre 2010

MONEY and Numbers




Français <>




2,5 cm<>


2.5 cm



20,5 kg<>


20,5 kg


£ 2,5 £ <>

£ 2.5 £


Point <>



Virgule <>


120 : One Hundred and twenty

1140: One thousand one hundred and forty

2505,2: Two thousand five hundred and five point two

0, : nought

Telephone Number

O6 40…: “O” / six / four / “O”

55: double five

Lire l’heure


Seven forty one

 OR Forty one minutes after seven


5cm x 5cm x 6 cm: 5cm by 5cm by 6cm

Vocabulary numbers

Parenthèses: brackets

Moins: minus

Plus: plus

Multiplié par : multiplied by

Divisé par: divided by

Slash: slash

Tiret: dash

Égal: equals

@: at

             . dot

14 octobre 2010



I don’t like waiting : je n’aime pas attendre

I don’t mind waiting: ça ne me gene pas d’attendre

I don’t have it to hand: je ne l’ai pas à portée de main

Here it is: Le/ la voilà !

Afterwards: Après ça

Nothing much is happening! Rien ne se passe!

This coming Tuesday: mardi qui vient.


Vous n’êtes pas d’accord

- I can’t accept your statement about...

- I must take issue with you on that…. Faut qu’on en parle

- We’ll have to agree to disagree/ to differ…. Acceptons simplement de ne pas être d’accord.

Vous êtes en desaccord total

- I really can’t agree with you…Je ne suis vraiment pas d’accord avec vous

- I hate to contradict you but… Désolé de devoir vous contredire mais…

- That’s wrong ! That’s incorrect ! … C’est faux

- You’re absolutely wrong! ….vous avez tort!

-You’re completely mistaken…vous faites gravement erreur

-I could never agree to that…. Ceci est inacceptable

- That’s out of the question… C’est hors de question

14 octobre 2010



To take the entry exams : passer des examens

Education: formation

Course: cours / formation

Bachelor’s degree: licence

Paid: rémunéré

Internships: stages

Sells: ventes

Skills: compétences

People skills: manage people

Native language: langue maternelle

Fluent: courant

Spokes: perlé

Written: écrit

Fairly: plutôt

Proficient: bonne maitrise … proficient level in English

Permanent position: CDI

Temporary position: CDD

Sandwitch course: alternance

Part time: temps partiel

Freelance: freelance

14 octobre 2010



To look up to someone: respecter quelqu’un

To look down upon someone: mépriser

To like: bien aimer

To dislike: ne pas aimer

To love: aimer

To hate: detester

To trust: faire confiance

To mistrust: se méfier

To obey: obéir

To disobey: désobéir

To allow: permettre

To encourage: encourager

To dissuade: dissuader


Obedient : obéissant

Disobedient : désobéissant

Bossy : autoritaire

Sympathetic : sympatique / compréhensif


Not much fun : pas très amusant

Tactless : sans tact

Tactfull : plein de tact

Entertaining : divertissant

Boring : ennuyeux

Emotional : émotif

Reliable : fiable

Frank : franc

Cautious : prudent

Pessimistic : pessimiste

Nice / kind : gentil

Genuine : sincere

Helpful : serviable

Trustworthly : digne de confiance

Engaging : attachant

Hard working : courageux

Lively : plein de vie

Energetic : énergique

Confident : confiant en soi

14 octobre 2010




Pour les Voyelles : <>




N The end

O O.K.

P Peter

Q Queue

R Star

S Less

T Tea

U You


W Double you

X Excellent

Y Why

Z Zed <>




A Today

B Let it be

C Sea

D Deep

E Free

F Left

G G. I.

H Aitchoum (opposite than in French)

I Eye

J James (opposite than in French)

K O.K.

L Help

M Them <>






14 octobre 2010

Vocabulary for work


I don’t know it : je ne connais pas (ce magazine)

I don’t know him : Je ne le connais pas

I don’t know like that

I have never seen you like that: je ne t’ai jamais vu comme ça!

Not yet: pas encore

To chek: verifier

Expenses: Frais

To mean: avoir l’intention de…

To cach: attraper

To shut: fermer

To lose: perdre

To freeze: congeler

To buy: acheter

To fly: voler

To ride: faire du vélo

To tell : raconter

I noticed : j’ai remarqué que…

A retun flight : un vol aller-retour

A delay : un délais

It’s easier : c’est plus facile

Encouraging : encourageant


14 octobre 2010

Great verbs for work

Verb list

To question I would like to question you about the login process

To state The manual states that you must respect the instructions

To stress I would like to stress that it is highly important

To suggest I suggest we that to re-boot the computer you try

SUBJUNCTIVE I propose that/ I suggest that he try to ….

To tackle It’s going to take time to tackle this problem

To solve The engineer can solve the problem

To account for I must account for the missing money

To agree with I agree with him that should wait until tomorrow

To avoid He’s lazy and tries to avoid working, I usually avoid waiting for him

To clarify I found the house after she clarified the instructions

To contribute We contributed clothes to the flood victims

To deal with This document deals with the evolution of the Bumblebee application

So far we have spent four years on Bumblebee

To discuss We can discuss these functionalities during the next meeting

To enhance I would like to enhance the picture definition on the screen

To imply It was implied that we had to do something about the problem with the server

To mean It means that we have to put back the launch date for the web application

14 octobre 2010

Present Perfect examples

Present Perfect

The Present Perfect

Have + past participle I have received a new version of lotus notes

“I’ve known Jenny for three years”

I’ve had an orange and a lemon this week

I haven’t eaten today

“Have you eaten today?”

“Yes I had a sandwich”

“And me I had some Japanese food, it was strange”.


“I’ve bought a new mobile phone for my wife”


“I’ve had to cancel the meeting because practically nobody can come”

“I’ve just noticed a problem in the program, so I’ve just told Martin that I’m going to work late tonight”


“I have already used Photoshop several times so I am able to help you”

Lionel :

“I’ve used Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Visual studio 6 and I know all about them”

Sellami :

“I’ve ridden a motorbike for 9 to 10 years so I think I can teach you”

“You mustn’t park your bike on the pavement, you could have a fine.”

Rodney :

“I’ve lived in


for 16 ½ years so I know what it’s like here”


“So let me explain to you, when you have turned on your computer and when Windows has opened, you can click on the Excel icon and it will open as well. When it has appeared on the screen, you can open Workbook and you can type the text that you want. Once you have finished, you must save it”


“I’ve just seen that Monoprix are proposing that you buy everything for your holidays in their shop for example sun cream, beach shoes, parasols, picnic hampers, beach towels”.

“but I’ve decided to go to Carrefour, because it’s cheaper”.


Gossip – recent changes

11 octobre 2010


How reliable is this new software?

Very reliable ++++

reliable +++

quite reliable ++

not very reliable +/-

not reliable/ un-reliable ----

How different is this new software?

Very different ++++

different +++

quite different ++

not very different +/-

not different ---- 

A petrol engine/ a diesel engine

Petrol is more expensive than diesel

Diesel is more likely to not work in the cold

Simon is likely to arrive late because of the heavy traffic

Solidays is likely to attract about 100,000 people

How long is it likely to take to repair the network?

It is likely to take between half an hour to one week.

It is likely that you will resolve your problem in two hours.

How + adjective

How high is the volume?

How heavy is it?

How expensive is it?

“Hello, how long will it take to repair my server?”

“It is likely to take between two and three days but it’s hard to tell before looking at it”

“It’s not likely to take us long to do it”

How + adjective

How complicated is this problem?

The server is broken

How serious is the problem

11 octobre 2010



(Constructions hypothétiques avec IF)

1.                 If + présent / will + verbe : notion de sûr

- If you need help, I will be there!

- If you need all of that, I will prepare the shopping for you!

- I will give you my card now, if you like.

2.                 If + passé / would + verbe: notion de peut être

What style of clothes are you looking for?

- If you wanted high heel shoes in gold size 46, I would be able to ring a supplier.

- I would like to book a room in the hotel for next month.

3.                 to be able to: être en mesure de

- If you need a question, I will be able to give you several options with a price break down, giving details concerning what we propose.

- If you choose us, we will be able to work in different countrys such as ,




Everyday situations 50% possible FIRST CONDITIONAL





If there is a call concerning a network problem, I will tend to it.



If it gets busy at work, I will delay my holiday


If I go away on holiday for five weeks, I will have a big problem



Less likely situations 10%< SECOND CONDITIONAL





If the network was expanded, we would need to work a lot


If you don’t mind waiting, I’ll get the menu for you

If I took chips instead of potatoes, would it be the same price?

If I was contacted by a TV show, I would not take part in the program.

If I need some clothes, I will buy them in H&M

(Constructions hypothétiques avec IF)

If + présent / will + verbe : notion de sûr

- If you need help, I will be there!

- If you need all of that, I will prepare the shopping for you!

- I will give you my card now, if you like.

If + passé / would + verbe: notion de peut être

What style of clothes are you looking for?

- If you wanted high heel shoes in gold size 46, I would be able to ring a supplier.

- I would like to book a room in the hotel for next month.

to be able to:      être en mesure de

- If you need a question, I will be able to give you several options with a price break down, giving details concerning what we propose.

- If you choose us, we will be able to work in different countries such as ,

- If you want to go ahead with us, we will propose 30 days terms (payment à 30 jours).

If you don’t mind waiting, I’ll get the menu for you

If I took chips instead of potatoes, would it be the same price?

If I was contacted by a TV show, I would not take part in the program.

If I need some clothes, I will buy them in H&M

11 octobre 2010




- 1er : first

- 2ème : second

- 3ème : third

- 4ème : fourth

- 5ème : fifth

- 6ème : sixth

- 7ème : seventh

- 8ème : eighth

- 9ème : ninth

- 10ème : tenth


- 11ème : eleventh

- 12ème : twelfth

- 13ème : thirteenth


- 20ème : twentieth

- 21ème : twenty first

- 22ème : twenty second …


- 30ème : thirtieth


- Un demi : a half

- Un tier : a third

- Un quart : a quarter




11 octobre 2010

present continuous

Today I am resolving my problems.

I am updating my anti-virus.

She’s saving all the programs.

I am creating a new e-mail address.

I am designing the database model for the new application

I am helping Philip to install Microsoft Office

I am developing the new interface application

At the moment I am not eating between sunrise and sunset.

I’m thinking about what to have for lunch.

Getting here this morning was not difficult

Making a coffee takes 5 minutes

Eating fast food is not good for the health

Connecting your computer to the screen is straightforward

Knowing/understanding SQL is straightforward

Connecting to a printer means finding the port

Finding this information is possible


I’m sending you the mail now <>

concerning the problem


Reading the manual helped me <>

and it will help you


Looking at the manual on page 8 … <>

you will notice that there is a …


an incorrect word <>

Checking the program seems vital

<> <>


We are still waiting for the list <>


The guest is staying at



<> <>

I work in teaching

I work in programming and designing

Repairing network problems is one of my job responsabilities

11 octobre 2010







High <>

The height <>

To heighten


Wide <>

The width <>

To widen


Long <>

The length <>

To lengthen


Thick <>

The thickness <>

To thicken


Deep <>

The depth (in depth) <>

To deepen


Light (Kg) <>

The lightness <>

To lighten


Dark <>

The darkness <>

To darken


Light (lumiere) <>

The light

To lighten

To widen / to broaden

Wide / broad

To be broad minded

narrow minded

I am very worried about meeting my girlfriend’s parents because they are narrow minded

I lengthened the meeting

I shortened the meeting

I must shorten my stay because something urgent has come up

11 octobre 2010



How well <>

managed <>

Is the team?


The work was <>

done <>



The problem was <>

resolved <>



The recently <>

found <>



The badly <>

developed <>



Adjective <>



Good <>



Bad <>



the most expensive


more expensive than


as expensive as


less expensive than


the least expensive

Ex-pen-siv-e 3 ½ syllables

fast faster the fastest


the fastest 


faster than


as fast as


Slower than


the slowest

The new system is likely to be faster than the old one

The server is less likely to have a problem with the new FIREWALL

The new FIREWALL is less expensive than you think

It has got the best characteristics for your network and a longer guarantee

The program is less likely to have a problem than mine

The meeting is likely to last an hour

The computer is likely to be faster than the other one

Good better the best

Bad worse the worst

The weather today is better than yesterday

The last James Bond film was the best ever

My best price for this job is 500 euros

The new Clio is more comfortable than the Twingo

11 octobre 2010

To Have


To have a drink/ to have some lunch / to have a snack/


I’m going to have a look at the server

I ‘m going to have a rest

I had a read of a document

Did you have a look at the television?

I watched “desperate housewives”


- To have a drink

Do you have something to drink?

Do you have something to eat?

- Have a read / a look / a think (notion de moment en cours)

I’ll have a read: je vais passer un moment à lire

I’ll have a think : je vais réfléchir


To have + a + verb 


I’m going to have a run planned future action


I’m going to have a swim


I’m going to have a sleep


I’m going to have a ride on my bicycle

This weekend I’m not going to have a swim, I’m going to have a sleep, I’m exhausted


I am going to contact the customer now


You are going to need the password


He / she is going to contact the customer now


We are going to visit the customer this week


You are going to


They are going to


To drive I’m going to have a drive because I’m tired <>


To listen I’m going to have a listen to Dire Straits <>


To think I’m going to have a think about my finances <>


To look I’m going to have a look at the computer program <>

11 octobre 2010

Useful office verbs

Useful verbs for work situations

“We’ve arranged a meeting with Thales, because they’ve been having problems with their server and they can’t keep on calling us every two hours, it’s better if we go and show them how it works”

“I haven’t been to the customer site but I have managed to resolve her problem by phone”.



To do <>

past tense

yesterday I did what you asked me to do <>

past participle

I have done what you asked me to do


manage <>

managed <>



do <>

did <>



resolve <>

resolved <>



find <>

found <>



develop <>

developed <>



help <>

helped <>



meet <>

met <>



design <>

designed <>



create <>

created <>



update <>

updated <>



save <>

saved <>



fix <>

fixed <>



run <>

ran <>



notice <>

noticed <>



build <>

built <>


11 octobre 2010

To Get

To get

I need to get somebody to help me


To get = to obtain


I must get some money out somewhere, where is the nearest cash distributor?


I get enough money to pay my bills


Where do you get your shopping? I usually get my shopping at Tesco


Where did you get your glasses? I got my glasses in Optic 2000.


- To get about / around : voyager

Words gets round : rumeurs / potins

- to get across : passer par-dessus bridge

- to get along : copiner I get along with my bank manager

- to get round : tourner autour

- to get at : arriver à

What are you getting at? Que veux-tu dire?

Do you know what he was getting at when he said there was trouble on the horizon?

- to get away: partir

I got away from my job at

six thirty


- to get away with: partir avec quelque chose (objet ou moral)

- to get back : revenir

Let’s get back to original point : revenons sur ce point

- to get behind : traîner

- to get on : avancer

My parents are getting on in their years : mes parents avancent dans leurs années

- to get on with : s’entendre bien avec…

I get on with lot of people

- to get through: traverser / se connecter avec quelqu’un / utilise

- to get through to people: communiquer avec les gens

- to get to: arriver quelque part

We are getting to the end: nous atteignons la fin du cours

- to get up: se lever

- to get up to: faire quelque chose

What are you getting up to? Qu’est ce que tu vas mijoter?

- to get : obtenir (money…)

- to get : devenir + adj (lucky / fat / successfull)

- to get done : to get + ppassé

Nothing got done: rien n’est fait

- to get written: écrire (choses ou destin)

11 octobre 2010

Any Some and Have Got

Any ?/ - 

Mr. Stallone please

Mr. Stallone speaking, how can I help you?

I’m calling about my computer

Have you got any problems understanding the software that we have installed for you?

No I haven’t got any problems with the computer; I just wanted to ask a question about the password.

Some +

I need some help with the program because I find it a little bit complicated to be honest.

There are some things that I don’t really understand

Have Got

Possession/family or friends/problems/meeting/flight/characteristics

I have got a Vespa

I have got 3 children

I haven’t got any problems

The Info3 programs have got their own particular characteristics

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Rodney's English Page